Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Following Instructions

This week officially started 23 Things. I decided to seriously look at the tracking log and to begin filling it in. Most of the blogs I’ve read allude to Thing 1 and Thing 2 which lead me to consider Dr. Seuss inspired my fellow bloggers. Sadly, this was not the case since eventually there will be talk about Thing 23. I have been following some blogs for a few years now, and being familiar with the concept, started like a bull in a china shop. I had known about and read Heather Armstrong's blog, whose blog title became a verb in today's vernacular. Since I do want to be credited for doing these exercises, here goes the Things . . .

1.  I have read the blog and found out about the program.
2. I investigated and listened to the 7½ Habits of Lifelong Learners
and embraced Habit 7½ .
3. June 23rd I wrote my first post.
4. I registered my blog with the fine folks of BCPL.
5. I got a Flickr account. Some fellow bloggers have obtained a
Flickr account and then wondered, "Now what?"
Scan pictures or download digital pictures onto your computer. Sign into Flickr. Each time Flickr will greet you in another language.
On your computer, go into the directory where your pictures repose. Select which image you want, click open. Flickr will let you upload up to 6 pictures at a time.
Add tags if you want

Choose your privacy settings

Click Upload

To add a picture to your blog:

Right click on the picture

On the Menu, highlight either Copy Image Address or Copy Shortcut (whichever your computer uses)

On your Blog Posting click the little picture icon and past the URL in the box on the right side of the screen.

On PCs use  CTRL C to copy; CTRL V to paste . . . CTRL A selects all
On MACs use APPLE C to copy; APPLE V to paste . . . APPLE A selects all

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